#Free Oleg Sentsov

Категорія: Новини в Україні
Створено: 06 червня 2018 Дата публікації Перегляди: 2776

36Oleg Sentsov is on the 23d day of his hunger strike. He announced that he will stop it only when Russia releases its Ukrainian political prisoners. His hunger strike has been joined by Oleksandr Kolchenko (6 days) and Oleksandr Shumkov (13 days). In occupied Crimea, Volodymyr Balukh is 79 days on a hunger strike. But the total number of Ukrainian hostages of the Kremlin is at least 70. Fill list here: http://letmypeoplego.org.ua/list/

This map shows where they are being held. For them all, Oleg is holding a hunger strike.
#FreeSentsov #LetMyPeopleGo

More about the Ukrainian hostages of the Kremlin: http://letmypeoplego.org.ua/resources