“Ukraine in the News” with Tania Stech on Kontakt TV / Celebraiting 50 Years of the Ukrainian World Congress / Відзначення 50-ліття СКУ (video)

Категорія: Українська громада у світі
Створено: 30 жовтня 2017 Дата публікації Перегляди: 3013

65For those of you who would like to follow events and political, social, and cultural developments in Ukraine, but who do not find sufficient information on Ukraine in Western media, and for those who do not have the time and patience to sift through the (sometimes reliable, and sometimes unreliable) news items on Ukraine on the Internet, the KONTAKT Ukrainian TV in Toronto now offers a weekly English-language digest “Ukraine in the News” that features some of the important stories regarding Ukraine making the news over the past weeks.

“Ukraine in the News” is produced and anchored by Tania Stech.

The playlist of all recent segments can be found at any time at:




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